Why do people dislike Dolphin?

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at gmail.com
Tue Nov 4 06:44:00 UTC 2008

Herman Holmström wrote:
> Honestly. I've recently started using KDE instead of gnome, and I like Dolphin 
> a lot more than Nautilus. I just don't understand why people think it's so 
> bad. I mean, I'm no hardcore user. I want to be able to browse and move my 
> files. Which pretty much any file manager does. I can understand if a file 
> manager is utterly retarded and crashes and, well, just doesn't work. Why is 
> it that so many hates Dolphin?
Most people who dislike Dolphin do it because they are used to Konqueror 
as a file/web browser and consider it much better. In fact the decision 
to develop Dolphin as a "file-only" browser is what is being questioned.


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