File management function of Konqueror in Gutsy and Ibex.

Willy K. Hamra w.hamra1987 at
Tue Nov 4 01:01:05 UTC 2008

Dotan Cohen wrote:
> Thanks, let's clear some things up and I'll file some bugs.
>> One feature was the practical interaction between the left-hand
>> navigation panel and the right hand file lists. This feature allowed
>> me to quickly and easily copy-paste or move files and even whole
>> folders from wherever to wherever.
> Do you mean the tree view? If not, could you post a screenshot?
>> A second feature was the possibility to quickly navigate from anywhere
>> to everywhere trough out every part of the PC.
> Via the addressbar? This is possible in Dolphin currently. If you mean
> something else, then please elaborate.
>> A third feature was the possibility to view the list of files on the
>> right hand panel in different ways: detailed-list, icon view, etc.
> These are available in Dolphin as well. If a particular view is
> missing, please let me know.
>> The file manage function of Konqueror is simply much more complicated
>> for me. Only navigation along  the  files and folders and in the HOME
>> directory seam to be easy. For all other partitions, I need to give in
>> a password, before proceeding. Via Konqueror at Ibex, I only manage to
>> access them via some complicated bypass: first I need to click at
>> 'Media',  than I can click at the different single disks, partitions,
>> etc.
> I will try to confirm this in a few days and I will either file a bug
> or ask you for more details.
>> Also copy-pasting and moving files/ folders has become more
>> complicated. The interaction between the left navigation panel and the
>> right hand file list is not so smooth any more.
> Please go into detail. If there is a regression then I'd like to
> confirm it and post a bug.

i think i know what he means about copy paste. copy some files or
directories, anything. click ctrl-t for a new tab, go somewhere,
right-click, the paste button is grayed. back to the 1st tab, copy,
second tab, paste, voila it works. when you copy any file, you have to
paste it straight away, as soon as you change a single directory,
konqueror forgets what was copied, seems very strange.
>> If you need more feedback or reflection from my side, I am happy to
>> provide it to you, Dotan.
> Not just me, the entire Kubuntu list is here to help.

Willy K. Hamra
Manager of Hamra Information Systems
Co. Manager of Zeina Computer & Billy Net
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