Konqueror rules, Dolphin must die

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Tue Nov 4 00:01:40 UTC 2008

2008/11/4 Billie Walsh <bilwalsh at swbell.net>:
> I don't believe Dolphin was anywhere in this particular branch of the
> thread. It's about KDE 3.x only.

It's right there in the email header:
Subject: Re: Konqueror rules, Dolphin must die


If Dolphin must die, I wonder what must happen to explorer. I imagine
a Konqueror eating a Dolphin, using the bones of an Explorer for
utensils. Where is his Navigator, I wonder? At the Opera? (all this is
being written in Vimperator, by the way, hahaha)

Dotan Cohen



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