Wine games in Kubuntu Intrepid

Willy K. Hamra w.hamra1987 at
Mon Nov 3 21:36:33 UTC 2008

Jonas Norlander wrote:
> Hi
> Some nice tricks with xorg and serverlayout that perhaps will help
> others so I post them here.
> I have a two monitor setup on my nvidia card, one 19" and one 17". In
> Hardy playing games (Warcraft 3) with wine worked fine but after I
> haved installed Intrepid I noticed that the game/wine want grab the
> mouse at the edges to my second monitor so it makes it hard to scroll
> in the game with the mouse. And Desktop effects don't play well with
> changing monitor layout/resolution.
> One solution was to use nvidia-settings tool to deactivate the second
> monitor and then deactivate the Desktop effects but this mess up the
> desktop and after the game I have to logout, restart X and login
> again.
> So I was thinking why not add a new ServerLayout just for games in
> xorg.conf where the second monitor is disabled and with no desktop
> environment, just the game or a plain window manager?
> After some reading and testing i came up with this.
> The relevant sections from my xorg.conf. Of course you can add other options.
> #######################################
> Section "ServerLayout"
>         Identifier      "GameLayout"
>         Screen 0        "GameScreen" 0 0
> EndSection
> Section "Screen"
>         Identifier      "GameScreen"
>         Monitor         "SyncMaster975MB
>         Device          "GameVideoDevice"
>         DefaultDepth    24
> EndSection
> Section "Monitor"
>         Identifier      "SyncMaster957MB"
> EndSectio
> Section "Device"
>         Identifier     "GameVideoDevice"
>         Driver          "nvidia"
>         Option         "TwinView"      "0"
>         Option         "ConnectedMonitor"      "CRT-0"
> EndSection
> #######################################
> To be able to start a X you must change "allowed_users=console" in
> /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config to "allowed_users=anybody".
> You should now be able to start the new layout with a command like "X
> :1 -layout GameLayout" and switch between the layouts with the
> CTRL-ALT-Fx keys. To start a program in the new layout from the old
> start them like this "DISPLAY=:1 xterm".
> To be able to use sounds you must add yourself to the audio group. All
> this I am sure could be wrapped up in a script that will start X and
> your programs and added to the menu for easy access.
> Any suggestions or improvements please post them.
> / Jonas

that's very nice of you Jonas, and very instructive. i never knew i can
do such stuff with X. since i don't have 2 screens, i don't much need
this setup. but desktop effects are horrible with almost all fullscreen
applications, even non-fullscreen games. i make sure i disable them
before playing any game, or else my FPS would drop to around 10 with
very simple games. ctrl-alt-f12 is of course the fastest way to toggle
effects on and off.
thanks a bunch :-D

Willy K. Hamra
Manager of Hamra Information Systems
Co. Manager of Zeina Computer & Billy Net
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