Konqueror rules, Dolphin must die

Billie Walsh bilwalsh at swbell.net
Mon Nov 3 21:16:06 UTC 2008

Art Alexion wrote:
> On Sunday 02 November 2008 08:54:18 am Emanoil Kotsev wrote:
>> I think there is no sense to post to developers list, as they will say they
>> are working on kde 4.X. Am I right?
> I think Kubuntu developers monitor this list.  As someone said Dolphin KDE 3 
> is a Kubuntu decision, not an upstream KDE one.  Also, forcing the 
> work-in-progress KDE 4 on Kubuntu 8.10 is a Kubuntu decision, not KDE.
> I have decided to opt for continuing KDE 3 until KDE 4 is ready.  I am 
> experimenting with Debian Lenny, as it will support KDE 3 for 3 years after 
> Etch is released, about 4 more years projected.  Once I get comfortable, my 
> Kubuntu box will become my experimental one, and Lenny for production.
> I don't understand why the Debian developers can continue to support KDE 3, 
> but the Kubuntu developers cannot.  This is the reason why Ubuntu 8.04 is 
> LTS, but Kubuntu 8.04 is not.  I understand that the Kubuntu team has blamed 
> it on loss of upstream KDE support, but for some reason, Debian does not have 
> a problem with this.
> The impression I get is that the Kubuntu team is targeting hobbyists and home 
> users and not business users.  Too bad.  If that is true, Kubuntu will never 
> be taken seriously.  I assume that is why OEMs, like Dell, are installing 
> Ubuntu, but not Kubuntu.
>> Also politeness will not turn the fact that dolphin for kde is stupid into
>> the opposite.
> True, but it may get you help from someone who can, but is too offended to 
> offer.

If 8.04/3.5.10 is working for you why do anything?

Support for 8.04 didn't end Saturday. It's still going to be supported 
for a while. Even though KDE 3.5.10 is no longer in development it's not 
likely to just die any minute. If my computer was necessary for my work 
I wouldn't be in any hurry to change anything just because a number 
changes every six months.

I'm just an average "Joe Sixpack" type. My computer is a home computer 
used to browse the web, e-mail and do a little genealogy. I still use 
8.04/3.5.10 for everyday use, and will for some time yet. I do have 
8.10/4.x installed on another hard drive for my own testing.. I keep it 
updated regularly. When I feel like it's worth moving over I will, but 
not until.

Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.

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