Konqueror rules, Dolphin must die

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Sun Nov 2 13:47:23 UTC 2008

Emanoil Kotsev wrote:
> 3) I don't understand why this programmer or another one did not put
> the up refresh and home icons in the tool bar as it is in konqueror. Is
> it to far to think. Another finger, because there is obviously no
> logic/brain behind all the way it looks and works?
> It's making me angry that such a half way intelligent application
> becomes defaulted.
> And yes, I followed the kde-user list discussion about konquerer vs.
> dolphin, don't come to me with the politeness issue again please.

If you refuse to be polite, please don't post. I do understand that you 
don't like the KDE3 dolphin but I think this is not the right place for 
your rant. None of the developers will listen here. After all you are not 
forced to use dolphin, so just remove the package or use the solution 
Jonas suggested.


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