Compiz restart

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Sat May 24 18:00:25 UTC 2008

On Saturday 24 May 2008 11:50:57 Andrew Jarrett wrote:
> On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 12:06 PM, Art Alexion <art.alexion at> 
> > If I log out, and log back it, no Compiz.  I need to load the icon and
> > restart the window manager.  How can I get it to start properly by
> > default?
> Maybe this will help:


> Note that sometimes Compiz can be just plain annoying when set to
> automatically start (e.g. System tray icons popping out of the system
> tray).  Or it was at least this way the last time I had Beryl
> autostarting.

That happens even when I manually start it.  The adept-notifier in the tray is 
in a window.  At some point, it gets swallowed by the tray.  Never seems to 
hide, though.

> Andrew
> --
> 45 5F E1 04 22 CA 29 C4 93 3F 95 05 2B 79 2A B2

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