Kubuntu 6.06 to 8.04 upgrade via network

Andrew list at loampitsfarm.co.uk
Sat May 17 13:34:09 UTC 2008

On Saturday 17 May 2008 13:48, Colin Pinkney wrote:
> I had similar problems installing stuff last night and it seems  
> gb.archive.ubuntu.com was completely down last night as it wasn't
> even responding to pings. It is back up again and if you try again
> it should be fine.

Cheers for that Colin, I was thinking it was something I'd done 
> You can also switch to the 'main' server by changing
> gb.archive.ubuntu.com to just archive.ubuntu.com in your
> /etc/apt/sources.list , but it is best to keep it as the localised
> server if possible.

Is one allowed to have both in the sources list? I want to keep the 
strain off the server but failing after 4 hours of 9MB download is 

Is there a P2P method of doing the same thing so I can share a bit of 

Andrew Heggie

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