[SOLVED]Re: Installing the Intel Fortran Compiler on Hardy -- how?

Galvanick Lucipher gerhardusm2002 at yahoo.es
Sat May 17 12:23:48 UTC 2008

On Tuesday 13 May 2008 13:46:55 soathana wrote:
> ok i had the same with intel c++ compiler you need to install alien (not
> so sure if needed do it anyways) and if the folder you have the
> installation file has a space in the name (for exaple "fortran
> compiler") remove it and try again. I have told intel support about this
> but i guess they didn't updated their database...

	OK, I solved it. It seems that Intel support has gotten the hint after 
all ;-). Following your suggestion, I searched the Intel forums for updated 
info on Hardy. I found this relatively recent thread:


Therefore, I installed the package libstdc++5, which seems to provide the 
neede virtual files. After that, the installer worked without a hitch.

	Thank you for your help,


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