
Bill Vance kbun at
Sat May 17 10:47:48 UTC 2008


I have a very annoying two tone alarm going off, right now.

Its not going out over the sound card.  Any way to find out what's 
going on, how turn it off, etc?  It goes away during shutdown but 
returns shortly after reboot, without the slightest hint or clue as 
to the cause.....:-(


               *                                              *    
    RKBA!      *        Blessings on thee, oh Israel!!!       *       4-19!
               *                                              *    

An _EFFECTIVE_  | Insured by | All Matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no
weapon in every |  by Colt;  | --Max Planck             | weapon, sell his
hand = Freedom  |    Dial    | In the beginning was the | garment, and buy a
on every side!! |  1-911-A1  | Word.  --The Holy Bible  | sword. --Jesus Christ


     Constitutional Government is dead!   LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!!!


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