Hardy Upgrade Killed vmware server

Paul Lemmons paul at lemmons.name
Fri May 9 17:14:48 UTC 2008

-------- Original Message  --------
Subject: Hardy Upgrade Killed vmware server
From: Rob Wright <debianrob at poncacity.net>
To: kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
Date: 05/09/2008 07:31 AM

> Greetings,
> 3 days ago I upgraded from Gutsy to Hardy, and now my VMWare is dead. 
> Initially after the upgrade VMWare wouldn't start, so I just scrapped what I 
> had and went ahead and updated to the most recent version of VMWare. That 
> installed, after doing some patching and such I found on the web, but the 
> networking didn't work. 
> I confess that I don't even know where to go next. I've uninstalled VMWare 
> again and now when trying to install it I get an unsolvable string of compile 
> errors referencing non-existent kernel modules or they're the wrong version. 
> What is the best way for me to start all over with this, and will it even work 
> if I do? 
> Thanks,
> Rob
> debianrob at poncacity.net

Take a look at:


and let us know if it works. I am about to upgrade and would love to 
know how this works for you  :)

Sometimes I wonder.  Were our faith able to stand upright and look 
around, would it be looking down at the mustard seed or standing in awe 
of the height and breadth of it.

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