Installing and newbies

Neil Winchurst neil at
Fri May 9 15:48:06 UTC 2008

On Fri, 9 May 2008 11:56:22 +0100
Lisi Reisz <lisi.reisz at> wrote:

> On Friday 09 May 2008 11:19:50 Neil Winchurst wrote:
> > BT have a lot to answer for.
> Or Maggie Thatcher, in this case.  Way back in the mists of time, BT was 
> intending to recable the country with fibre optic cable.  Maggie vetoed it.
> Then came privatisation's focus on quick profit and competition, and BT too 
> dropped the idea.
> Lisi
Well, for my money, BT has been a problem from the start.
Originally all forms of communication were run by the GPO (anyone
remember them?) including phones. It was a government company so they
didn't have to worry about profits, shareholders etc.

Then the government of the day split the GPO into two which became
Royal Mail and British Telecom. So now we had a private company
running the phone systems for the country. IMHO that was crazy.

Again, in my opinion, BT have been holding the country back for
years, which is the main reason that we are so far behind many other
western European countries. In France, so my friends tell me, never
mind 8 Mb broadband, 24 Mb has been around for years.


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