Installing and newbies

Neil Winchurst neil at
Thu May 8 17:12:04 UTC 2008

On Thu, 8 May 2008 11:56:59 -0500
Pete <teeahr1 at> wrote:

> On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 11:48 AM, Neil Winchurst <neil at>
> wrote:
> > And the install CD _should_ be in sources.list by default.
> >
> > Why is that? If I am going to install something I don't want the
> > version that is on the install CD because it might by now be out of
> > date. I want the version from the repositories. Or am I missing
> > something here?
> If the CD is in sources.list, it will only ask you for it if the version on
> the CD is the same as the version in the repository. Unless you specify
> otherwise in (I think) apt.conf, it will always look for the highest
> numbered version.
> -p.
Thanks, I did not know that. However, if the versions are the same it
really doesn't matter which I choose. And if I choose the repository
I don't have to bother to search out the CD and put it in the drive.
Lazy or what???


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