Installing and newbies

Neil Winchurst neil at
Thu May 8 11:00:56 UTC 2008

On Thu, 08 May 2008 12:38:02 +0200
"O. Sinclair" <o.sinclair at> wrote:

> As it stands Kubuntu has chosen Konqueror as the standard web browser 
> and Kmail/Kontact as standard mail client. As for Gimp I am uncertain 
> why it is not there though I guess Krita would be a more natural choice.
I have never used Krita, only Gimp so I can't comment here.

> I dont remember Edgy any longer myself but are you sure Thunderbird, 
> Firefox and Gimp were there when you installed or you have since added them?
> Sinclair
Like you, it is so long ago I can no longer remember. I like konq as
my file manager but not as a web browser. And I don't like kmail at

I agree, though, we are so lucky with Linux to have plenty of choice.

Neil Winchurst

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