sound lost after Hardy upgrade

Jonas Norlander jonorland at
Wed May 7 11:12:53 UTC 2008

2008/5/7 Wulfy <wulfmann at>:
> I recently upgraded from Gutsy to Hardy.  Everything went well... I
>  needed to unmute my sound and replace Firefox-3 with Firefox-2 but that
>  wasn't very hard.
>  Due to a power outage, my machine crashed.  When I rebooted, there was
>  no sound.  I went through all the steps I could think of - KControl,
>  alsamixer, log-out and -in, even reboot again... still no sound.
>  I've run out of ideas...  can anyone help?

What type are your soundcard? What do cat /proc/asound/cards say?
Is the right modules loaded? Check with lsmod.
Some clues in dmesg or the log-files?

/ Jonas

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