problem at fresh instalation

Martin Laberge mlsoft at
Sun May 4 17:33:14 UTC 2008

On Sunday 04 May 2008 12:48:17 pm Jorge PĂ©rez wrote:
> Hello,
> Actually I have Kubuntu 7.10 running for some time (I just did an upgrade
> from previus versions) and all works fine. I have 2 IDE hard disks:
> /dev/sda partitions -> documents
> /dev/sdb partitions -> / , /home, Win XP, Swap
> Some time ago, my motherboard broke :( well, I just replace the motherboard
> and didn't have to install Kubuntu (so great).
> But now, I want to perform a fresh Kubuntu 8.04 install, but when I am in
> the manual partition step, I only have the posibility of change the SDA disk
> partitions and can only create a new partition table on the SDB (the
> installer can't see the partitions in SDB), but I don't want to delete my
> /home or my XP partiton.
> any idea? how can I fix the partition in order to be recognized by the
> Kubuntu partition manager?
> thank you.

I recommend to swap your drives, so that your boot drive is sda
and your documents are on sdb

this way is more 'natural' and normally expected by most systems.

(just change the jumpers on both drives, and maybe swap cables)

Martin Laberge
mlsoft at

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