Language problem with Firefox 3 beta

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Sat May 3 12:49:29 UTC 2008

2008/4/30 Jonas Norlander <jonorland at>:
> For changing locale for the whole system the settings are in
> /etc/default/locale.
> Changing for a user add it to ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc for login shells
> and ~/.bashrc
> only for non-login shells. Bash will also read ~/.bash_login and ~/.bash_profile
> if the exist. I'm not sure what what files KDM will read at login perhaps some
> else know?

Thanks. I'm not sure where I need to put it. I put the export command
in bashrc, but now Firefox is _still_ English, yet CLI programs are in
Hebrew. That is quite the opposite from what I'd like, as the CLI does
not work well with RTL languages.

Dotan Cohen

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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