Installing debs from Mepis

Pete teeahr1 at
Thu May 1 19:24:00 UTC 2008

On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 10:53 AM, Nigel Ridley <nigel at> wrote:

> Pete wrote:
> > I wouldn't add the repository, you never know what kind of different
> > versions or different builds of the same versions of stuff are in there,
> and
> > apt will just blindly install whatever it sees as the "most recent
> version"
> > of stuff, without regard to where it's coming from. Just pull that deb
> from
> > their repository and install it via dpkg.
> >
> > -p.
> How do I do that? I know it sounds a nooby question but I've never had the
> occasion to do
> something like that before.

Where did you find the package? I'm having a ton of trouble finding the
Mepis repositories.  In any event, find the repository, find the package,
download it to your hard drive,  then either:

1. "sudo dpkg -i /path/to/foo.deb" (without the quotes, and replacing the
slug filepath with the actual path to the package, probably

2. Open it in Gdebi if you have that installed, and click "install."

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