best way to upgrade to Hardy

hunkumori hunkumori at
Sun Mar 30 09:58:01 UTC 2008

dave selby írta:
> Hi all,
> I have a kubuntu system that I want to upgrade to Hardy, I know its
> not quite ready :). Is there a way of getting adept to do this or is
> it changing sources.list and apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade ?
> Cheers
> dave

There is an option for it, for Ubuntu / Synaptic. But not for Adept. 
Maybe there is an option, just I don't know about it. Maybe "gksu 
synaptic -dist-upgrade-devel" or something similar. Others will know it 
I think. By the way, Trey on made the upgrade with the 
sources.list editing, apt-get update + dist-upgrade, and it worked like 
a charm. So give it a try.

(By the way, maybe you should wait for the final. It's not worth it. Why 
do you upgrade your pc to a beta software, when the final is next around 
the corner. Only 2 weeks(or 3..))

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