Desktop effects in Hardy Heron

Phil Bieber philbieber at
Sat Mar 29 09:44:13 UTC 2008

On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 12:30 AM, Alain Muls <alain.muls at> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I use (k)ubuntu since the 5.04 release and I used a spare partition for
>  installing the 8.04beta. As expected, I have no problems. The
>  installation is the best I have had yet, since for the first time I am
>  able to have some 3D effects. I tested the effects in the "standard"
>  form from Compiz Desktop Effects and I can see the shadow and the effect
>  when minimizing windows. I google'd what effects are enabled in these
>  different modes and what keyboard shortcuts exist for them, but I did
>  not find the answer. Can someone direct me to a URL where I can read
>  about this?
>  regards
>  Alain
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I don't know a specific site, but you can install
compizconfig-settings-manage., You can find it under
System->PReferences->Advanced Desktop Effects Settings (in Gnome) or
you can launch it via ALT+F2-> ccsm. It lets you configure pretty much
every aspect of compiz including the shortcuts..

Phil Bieber
Avoid rape - say yes!

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Written on Page 12 (Blank page separating Ch. 1 & 2):
 To reduce the risk of shock,
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 No serviceable components inside.

GPG KEY ID (Philipp Bieber): 0x0185E301
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Phil Bieber - philbieber at

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Philipp Bieber - philipp.bieber at

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