Any LEGO MINDSTORM NXT users here?

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at
Sat Mar 29 02:33:20 UTC 2008

On Friday 28 March 2008, Ronnie Tucker wrote:

> LiNXT is a perl script to let Linux transfer files to the NXT brick.

Oh.  No progress on the programming language then?  I used to program the old 
yellow brick in NQC, but the last time I looked (over a year ago) any NQC for 
the NXT was years or centuries off.

> By the way, if you're going to sell your kit on eBay don't sell it with
> a BuyNow price of anything less than about £150-180. I've seen these
> kits sell for over £200 even though they are worth £180 new, probably
> because they are so hard to get, hardly any shops have them in stock
> just now...

Really?  I'm sitting on a gold mine, and don't even know it.

Considering the crappy value of the US dollar about now, if I could get £180 
out of the thing that would be over $100 USD profit.  Wow.

I'll try to get the brick working tomorrow, probably.  I'm busy just now with 
another project, but I haven't forgotten you.
D. Michael McIntyre 

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