ndiswrapper questions

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Fri Mar 28 14:47:38 UTC 2008

D. R. Evans wrote:

> Incidentally, even though I have done an "ndiswrapper -m" (and it says
> that the alias exists), on a reboot I still have to execute "modprobe
> ndiswrapper" in order to see the wlan0 interface when I do an "ifconfig
> -a".
> I don't know if that's useful information.
> It sure would be nice (assuming I ever get this thing working) to
> understand why the "ndiswrapper -m" isn't having the expected effect.

It would - but never fear, you're not alone.  Just add ndiswrapper as the
last line in /etc/modules.  I'm certain that "ndiswrapper -m" _should_ do
this, and I could have sworn I'd filed a bug report (but don't see my name
linked to any such) but it's not something unique to you :-)

Now that it's running, you should be able to trigger the network interface
through knetworkmanager (likely already in your system tray).

Right click on the system tray icon, click on the appropriate entry under
Wireless Networks.

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