KSynaptics - was xorg.conf in Hardy

Billie Walsh bilwalsh at swbell.net
Wed Mar 26 16:35:32 UTC 2008

Nigel Ridley wrote:
> O. Sinclair wrote:
>> Nigel Ridley wrote:
>>> I was contemplating changing the 'touchpad' options on my laptop and opened xorg.conf only
>>> to be surprised to see very minimalistic entries - no options for 'mouse', no resolution
>>> entries for 'screen'. Everything just seems to have very basic entries.
>>> What gives?
>>> And BTW, how can I change the sensitivity on the touchpad? I keep clicking when I just
>>> want to move the cursor :-(
>> I can not help you with the first question but if you have a synaptics 
>> touchpad (very likely) you can install KSynaptics and change settings. 
>> That has worked reasonably well for me, I was also going nuts by finding 
>> that all sorts of things happened while using the touchpad that is set 
>> to be WAY too sensitive by default
>> Sinclair
> Thanks but unfortunately it is no longer available. Instead the author is concentrating on 
> something called TouchFreeze  (see: http://qsynaptics.sourceforge.net/).
> Blessings,
> Nigel
Thats funny. I just installed it on my laptop from the standard 

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