xorg.conf in Hardy
teeahr1 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 26 12:09:52 UTC 2008
The new version of xorg is "self-configuring," but I guess it's not very good
at it yet. I had problems with monitor detection. If you have a copy of your
old xorg.conf laying around, you can cut n paste the appropriate sections in.
For my monitor, I had to copy in "monitor" and "screen." You may also have to
copy in your "server" section. Search the forums for more information
(someone should put up a wiki page if it's not done already). Hope this
On Tuesday 25 March 2008 21:25:54 Nigel Ridley wrote:
> I was contemplating changing the 'touchpad' options on my laptop and opened
> xorg.conf only to be surprised to see very minimalistic entries - no
> options for 'mouse', no resolution entries for 'screen'. Everything just
> seems to have very basic entries. What gives?
> And BTW, how can I change the sensitivity on the touchpad? I keep clicking
> when I just want to move the cursor :-(
> Blessings,
> Nigel
> --
> OliveRoot Ministries
> http://www.oliveroot.net/
> PrayingForIsrael.net
> http://www.prayingforisrael.net/
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