Adobe stuff for Linux

cherryfinals cherryfinals at
Fri Mar 21 21:13:21 UTC 2008

> As far as I know Shockwave is simply not supported under Linux.
> There are apparently ways to make it run using Wine but if you check
Adobe's website there is no mention of Linux:
> I've already written to Adobe Support, complaining the matter. They
*simply* didn't reply me.
> Please, all of you should write to Adobe for the same reason. The
more we are the better...

Adobe is much like Apple and Microsoft in that they have no desire to
support the open source movement in any way. It directly impacts their
business model and they would be very happy if we all disappeared.

It wouldn't surprise me if they got tired of getting 'nix inquiries and
just filtered all mail with linux in it to the bit bucket. 

Just my double-farthing's worth.


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