Wireless problems with wicd

Joel Oliver joelol75 at verizon.net
Mon Mar 17 01:58:38 UTC 2008

Casper Skovby wrote:
> Hi,
> I run Kubuntu 7.10 and have a problem connecting to the internet through 
> wireless using wicd. I have used knetworkmanager until now but it does 
> not automatically enable the wireless network when starting my computer. 
> Then I have tried to install wicd and this actually enable the wireless 
> network. But when I try to connect to a specific network it cannot find 
> the ip-address and does not connect. I have entered the encryption code 
> of the network.
> Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
> Kind regards
> Casper
Maybe you need to enable a DHCP server on your wireless network (On the 
router).  Or setup a static IP and enter the IP/Netmask and DNS servers 
by hand.


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