64bit Linux

Michael Leone turgon at mike-leone.com
Sun Mar 16 19:23:47 UTC 2008

Andrew Jarrett wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 5:06 AM, Neil Winchurst <neil at holsdev.vispa.com> wrote:
>>  1 Am I right in assuming that 64bit Linux has improved since I tried it?
> I started using 64-bit recently, but it still looks like it is
> improving (slowly but surely).
>>  2 If the answer to that is yes, are there good reasons to move to 64bit?
> Hrmmm...  More than 3.8 GB of RAM (my reason), better number crunching
> (especially w/ floating point), and not having your computer crap out
> in 2038.

You expect to be using that particular hardware for the next 30+ years, 
so that date problem is a real show-stopper for you? :-)

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