No Icon on Desktop for always-on usbdisk

Larry Hartman larryhartman50 at
Sun Mar 16 14:22:39 UTC 2008

On Sunday 16 March 2008 05:08:28 am Donn wrote:
> > But it is annoying that my hard drive cannot be connected ALL the time
> > AND be recognised on the desktop.
> Have you tried:
> Desktop -> rightclick -> Configure Desktop -> Behaviour -> Device Icons ?
> I'm fairly sure you can set it to always show certain devices.
> \d

I am not sure that this error is specific to USB drives.....I have had 
problems for three or so distros now in having icons show up on desktop for 
native internal harddrives, despite how KDE system settings is confgured.  I 
can not offer any more suggestions on how to pursue it.  I solved my isue by 
building symlinks, but this will likely not work with dynamically mounted 


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