No Icon on Desktop for always-on usbdisk

Graham grahamtodd2 at
Sun Mar 16 11:54:20 UTC 2008

On Sat, 15 Mar 2008 22:54:40 -0400
Joe Burgess <joemburgess at> wrote:

> So wait, the icon for the external always on drive, only show up
> after you plug in and then umount a usb pen drive? but it never shows
> up in any other case?  Is that correct?

Joining this thread when I think I know what is happening. :-)

I have an external hard drive that is connected through the usb port.

Once my Kubuntu machine is running, if I plug in the usb lead it will
show on my desktop and the menu window will come up asking if I want it
open in a new window, etc  However, if I now reboot with the usb lead
on the external device fitted, neither the icon nor the menu shows.

To get the icon showing I have to plug the device when my Kubuntu
desktop is showing.  If I plug in another pen drive at the same time,
sometimes both show, sometimes not.  The same behaviour is shown when
using the livecd from Ubuntu related distros such as gOS and Xubuntu.

Aware of this problem, I prepared my external drive with the name
SWISSKNIFE.  Now I check into /media through Krusader for SWISSKNIFE
and it always shows, and I can add data to it.  Mounting and Unmounting
is done by right clicking on the item.  Daresay this would work with
Dolphin but I prefer to use Krusader.  This seems the only practical
way of doing it.

But it is annoying that my hard drive cannot be connected ALL the time
AND be recognised on the desktop.


Graham Todd

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