
Jonas Norlander jonorland at
Thu Mar 13 14:45:45 UTC 2008

2008/3/13, Derek Broughton <news at>:
> Tom R wrote:
>  > Jamie,
>  >
>  > The discussion didn't seem to cover how to add an item
>  > to the KDE Menu though it would seem that it was the
>  > obvious answer to your problem.
> It 's NOT the obvious answer to his problem, though.  KMail isn't _supposed_
>  to have a menu entry, but in any case, if he can't run it from the console,
>  he can't run it from a menu.
>  --
> derek


Kmail has always had an menu entry in all distros i have tried and
looking at the source
there is a KMail.desktop there so it's probably _supposed_ to have a menu.
I think Kubuntu developer removing it for some unknown reason. I
missed it when first
installed Gustsy so i added my own.


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