Terminal Mode Only

Bill bill at wjm1a.com
Wed Mar 12 20:29:40 UTC 2008

My son was playing with my newly installed Kubuntu Gutsy KDE4 machine. He
says he remembers something about a Daemon statement and then the machine

Since it came back up, we only have Terminal mode. No graphical interface.

I can see an initial Kubuntu splash screen. But from the logon prompt
on-ward, its only terminal mode. 

I've tried the: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg command.  The computer
responded with xserver-xorg Broken or Not Completely Installed.  

So my next move was the: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg command.  The
Computer then installed xserver-xorg without any errors.  I went back to:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, and the xserver-xorg ASCII menus took me
through quite a number of questions from Mouse, to Monitor. It told me it
was writing a configuration file. I thought I was good to go....

But, (as Gilder Radner said) "It just goes to show ya, it's always

I still have no graphics and I'm in terminal (konsole) mode. 

The latest time, I rebooted, I noticed the following error: kinit: No resume
image, doing normal boot...

Any thoughts what I can try next? 



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