
Michael Leone turgon at
Wed Mar 12 14:40:08 UTC 2008

On 3/12/08, Donn <donn.ingle at> wrote:
> On Tuesday, 11 March 2008 22:58:01 Jared Greenwald wrote:
>  > Can someone explain to me what the heck Skim is
> Here-
>  root at ddm:/home# aptitude search skim
>  ..snip..
>  i   skim   - smart common input method platform for KDE
>  root at ddm:/home# aptitude show skim
>  ..snip..
>  Description: smart common input method platform for KDE
>   skim is KDE frontend for the SCIM input method platform. It provides a GUI
>  panel and a KConfig module. It  has its own plugin system that supports on
>  demand loadable actions.
>  Ain't the command line cool :)

Yeah. But it still doesn't tell me (at least) what it's there for.
It's a GUI to configure SCIM; fine. But what's SCIM, and what can it
do for me? That at least should be mentioned in the description, even
if a 1 line version of what SCIM is for. But I digress ...

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