wireless connection to linksys from Inspiron laptop

Nigel Ridley nigel at rmk.co.il
Wed Mar 12 14:27:07 UTC 2008

Derek Broughton wrote:
> Nigel Ridley wrote:
>> Derek Broughton wrote:
>>> Nigel Ridley wrote:
>>>> I just got my Linksys WRT54GL delivered today and set it up to connect
>>>> to a pppoe connection. The wired connection works as advertised (beware,
>>>> if your pc/laptop is already configured with a static ip address, then
>>>> you won't be able to connect using - I had to stick
>>>> the Hardy live CD in and then it connected!!??).
>>> What's with the ??  Of course it won't connect.  You can't have two
>>> devices on the network with the same IP, and your WRT would need to use
>>> that static
>>> IP address.  Of course, the simple solution would have been to just
>>> remove all settings, and Network Manager (actually, dhclient) would have
>>> set you up via DHCP.
>> All our home network is configured using 192.168.0.xx not 192.168.1.xx
> I misread the original post - afterwards it became clear that you didn't
> have a static IP from your ISP.
>> It would seem that the Linsys router would only 'talk' to a computer
>> that was set up with DHCP.  
> Not really.  The router will only _talk_ to a computer on the same subnet. 
> Linksys default to using 192.169.1.x, but you could change that.

Only by being able to access the router to begin with - which required a 
box set up with DHCP.

>> The simpler solution to reconfiguring my computer's ip settings was to
>> stick in the Hardy 'Desktop' CD and run it 'live'.
> Except, that it's not a solution, it's a temporary workaround.  The solution
> is to abolish static IPs and use whatever the Linksys gives you.

Which is what I am doing on my laptop now.

>>> So why would you uninstall the supported and (mostly) functional network
>>> manager for an unsupported program?  I'm not saying that it's a bad idea
>>> - I've finally got frustrated enough with NM to give wicd another try -
> Which wasn't worth the trouble...
>>> but if you know nothing about wireless, jumping in with unsupported
>>> software is
>>> a really bad start.  For most users, NM works just fine.
>> I returned to using KNetworkManager and it works flawlessly :-)
> Great.  I still think network-manager was introduced to Ubuntu before it was
> ready for prime-time, but it's the "blessed" way to network in Ubuntu, and
> I wouldn't consider replacing it unless you had problems (as many do...)



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