Malware in 7.10?

Hans Meyer hansm242 at
Tue Mar 11 18:42:17 UTC 2008

Hello all,

I got the following message from clam before trying to
burn the iso image from the US Portland university

2008-03-11 11:07:07 /Volumes/Kubuntu 7.10
i38/wubi-cdboot.exe: Adware.Fakealert-21 FOUND
2008-03-11 11:07:08 WARNING: chown() failed for
/Users/toto/.Trash//wubi-cdboot.exe: Operation not
2008-03-11 11:07:08 WARNING: cannot unlink
'/Volumes/Kubuntu 7.10 i38/wubi-cdboot.exe': Read-only
file system

I google "wubi-cdboot.exe Adware.Fakealert-21" but
nothing came up. I thing, if real, this would affect
win$ users.

                  Hans Meyer.

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