Disk on Key slowly getting smaller

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Sun Mar 9 16:53:27 UTC 2008

Dotan Cohen wrote:

> On 09/03/2008, Jonas Norlander <jonorland at gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2008/3/9, Seakat <seakat at orange.fr>:
>> > Gene and other Kubuntu'ers
>>  >  The only good reason for using a FAT partition with Linux is that you
>>  >  sometimes use Windows, right (or perhaps your camera gives you no
>>  >  choice)? So for anyone who has lost data on a FAT or other Windows
>>  >  partition (like me!), there is a good free Windows application for
>>  >  undeleting files, called Handy Recovery http://www.handyrecovery.com/
>>  >  . As soon as you notice the problem, try very hard to avoid writing
>>  >  anything to the partition until you've run the application.
>>  >
>>  >  Cheers, seakat
>>  >
>> Remember this is a linux mail list and people running linux and we are
>> not
>>  used to pay for our software.
>>  Handy Recovery is not what i call a free software.The trial version can
>>  recover one file per day and that is not a option if you have some 100+
>>  files on your camera flash card.
> Not true. I am a Linux user, and I have absolutely no problem paying
> for software. I payed for Opera when it cost money, and I'll pay for
> Photoshop the day it becomes available. I'll probably pay for quicken
> as well.

You are, however, a pretty unusual user.

> It's FUD like you mention that prevents businesses from porting
> software to Linux, 

No, that's not FUD.  Individual linux users almost never pay for software,
and businesses that _do_ depend on Linux never expect to make their profit
from selling the software itself.  We _can't_ depend on that, because so
much of our own code base is Free software, so we look to other revenue
streams.  Corporations might pay for Linux software, but they're the
problem in getting software ported to Linux - because they worry about
service, which is oddly the part that _can_ be profitable in the Linux

> But don't think 
> that you represent everybody, because you don't, and you hurt the
> community by trying to represent the community in a way that it does
> not want to be represented.

He certainly does represent the majority.

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