Printing to a Windows 2000 server shared printer

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Sat Mar 8 06:07:31 UTC 2008

Sylviane et Perry White wrote:
> On Thursday 06 March 2008 08:41, O. Sinclair wrote:
>> I got a really weird problem. For various reasons I had to downgrade a
>> server from Windows2003 to Windows2000. In other words complete
>> reinstall. This is now used as a workgroup server, not a domain server.
>> On that I installed and shared a printer. I have no problems using it
>> from XP clients and had no problems finding it in SMB4K. I also had no
>> problems printing to it while it was on Windows 2003 (domain). But now
>> we who are on Kubuntu can not see it in CUPS or Printer "wizard" and can
>> not print to it in any way I can think of, like using ip address instead
>> of servername etc.
>> anyone have an idea I can try cause this is a major nuisance. And I can
>> not upgrade again, an app runs on it now that works better in Win2000
>> than 2003.
>> Sinclair
> Hi,
> I'm no expert and you may already have better knowledge/advise,  but since no 
> one elese replied, just a guess...
> CUPS is perhaps expecting W$ 2003 (it figured that and stored it somewhere 
> when it was installed ?)
> In that case reinstalling CUPS or perhaps just deleting the right file from 
> ~/.kde could do the trick.
> A quick try would be to rename ~/.kde as ~/.kde.bak and revert if it does not 
> work. (you probably know that trick already, don't you?)
> You didn't specify the version of Kubuntu you tried but I would just expect 
> that it should normally be able to use a shared printer.   :o)
> I'm somewhat puzzled by your  Printer "wizard" not doing its job, but it may 
> not have been expecting that the same old server with same IP address 
> changed.
thanks for the reply. Am using Kubuntu 7.10 and even a fresh install 
will not see anything from the Windows 2000 server... so the problem 
must be either cups or something with windows 2000 rights. I have tried 
using ip-address as well as servername, no luck. It comes up in Smb4K 
(the share that is) but I can not print from that either...


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