bash completion

Constantinos Maltezos pandarsson at
Mon Mar 3 21:07:46 UTC 2008

On Monday 03 March 2008 6:35:30 Donn wrote:
> > On my desktop machine, bash allows me to type a partial command, press
> > page up and cycle through the commands in my history that start with what
> > I typed. How do I set up bash so it'll work that way on this machine?
> I don't know the exact reason, but compare the ~/.bashrc and
> ~./bash_profile files to the one on the other machine. You might find
> something there as those files are involved with setting up the shell for
> the current login.
> \d

Actually, thanks to whomever it was that pointed me to the 
history-search-backward option, I found out that the guilty file was inputrc.  
Well, the version in the home directory is .inputrc and the global one is 
in /etc/inputrc.  In fact, the default one in /etc that Kubuntu installed 
actually had the options in it, but they were commented out.  So now they're 

Thanks, guys.

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