How to 'root-access' and delete a 'locked folder' at the desktop? SOLVED!
Bas Roufs
basroufs at
Mon Mar 3 08:22:23 UTC 2008
Hey Don
Thanks for your clear explanations. A few more detail questions - see below.
Donn wrote:
>>> sudo rm -r hplip-2.7.12
> By way of a quick explanation, Bas:
> 1. sudo takes you into 'root' mode temporarily - i.e. you become the most
> powerful user on the system who can do anything anywhere. (Be careful!)
This is the most clear explanation I ever read with respect to 'sudo'
> 2. rm means 'remove', its the command-line delete button :)
'Command-line': is that another word for such a black unix shell console?
> 3. -r means 'recurse' -- it will remove everything and all the subfolders under it. Sometimes you have to add -f which means 'force' if the system does
> not want to delete something, so: rm -fr blah/
In the case of the HPLIP folder, 'rm - r' was enough. However it is good
to know about this 'fr' variant for other situations .....
> 4. The last part is simply the name of the folder you wanted deleted.
> HTH, if a bit late,
For extra knowledge it's never too late!
By the way, do you know clear some reference guide that could help me to
find my way and -especially - to better understand the 'logic' behind
this jungle of UNIX? commands. Thanks,
Respectfully Yours,
Bas G. Roufs M.A.
Van 't Hoffstraat 1
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