wich printer?

alessia galette at tin.it
Sun Mar 2 10:32:54 UTC 2008

Hello everyone
I also have had problem with printer and Linux. I usually bought Epson 
printer beacuse they are cheap ( or  at last the stylus series are ) and 
I don't need high quality printing (I need just print mainly balck/and 
white documents).
The thing that really annoying me is that I can't use the  fronte/retro 
function ( that I can use with Win) maybe do I  have something to 
configure in CUPS?
It's also seem that the printing is slower...
I mainly use Kubuntu so I 'd prefer don't have to switch from an OS to 
another just for printing.
Thanks All
(beyond my problems I think that the support to print with linux is 
grown in the last years )

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