Built-in webcam - which app?

Jorge PĂ©rez kokiperex at gmail.com
Sat Mar 1 21:47:09 UTC 2008

>  I just bought a Dell Inspiron 1525 and installed Hardy Alpha 5 on it.
>  I want to be able to test the built-in web cam but don't know which app to use.
>  Any pointers/suggestions would be gratefully received.
>  TIA
>  Blessings,
>  Nigel

The coolest app for test your webcam is Gnome Cheese (yes, I know,
it's for Gnome, but it's really cool). My webcam (a built in in a HP
Pavilion notebook) works with Gnome Cheese and Kopete. I'm using the
Linux UVC driver. But the image has a green tint :s

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