Xorg nvidia issue with Kubuntu Hardy.. HowTo enabling nvidia restricted driver preference over the free nv

Lea Gris lea.gris at noiraude.net
Thu Jun 26 09:38:56 UTC 2008


What is the proper way to setup preference on the Nvidia restricted 
driver over the free generic nv driver?

On my laptop with nvidia 9600 wide screen 1280x960, Kubuntu load the 
free nv driver and it fail tu properly setup the screen, so I can't 
reach/see the desktop environment.

So, using shell, I installed the restricted-drivers and nvidia-glx.

But Xorg still decide to load the free nv driver instead, and as it fail 
to properly setup a wide screen properly and miss the hardware OpenGL, I 
ned to avoid this.

For now, I manually edited Xorg.conf and added a line
Driver "nvidia" into the Device section.

This enable me to load and access the Kdesktop environment on my laptop 
  using the Nvidia restricted driver, but this raise a major issue:

Adding hardcoded driver into Xorg.conf, break the new Xorg 
autoconfiguration feature and it may break uppon upgrades.

The Kde system I use is installed on an external USB drive to be moved 
and booted on different computer unit/configuration/locations like 
school lab or friend's PC, not only my laptop.
So I realy need the Xorg autoconfiguration to work without any hardcoded 
device setup. The GFX card may vary from Intel, ATI, Nvidia...
When it detect an Nvidia GFX card, it need to use the restricted 
non-free driver and not the nv driver.

How can it be done?

Léa Gris

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