Alt-F2 has unique $PATH?

Jonas Norlander jonorland at
Tue Jun 24 20:18:33 UTC 2008

2008/6/24 Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at>:
> 2008/6/24 Jonas Norlander <jonorland at>:
>> I think it has to do with that ALF-F2 is not a login shell or an
>> interactive shell so your shell config file (.bash_profile,
>> .bash_login or .profile) is not sourced.
>> I was looking briefly into .bash_profile and .profile as a answer for
>> an other mail and as i understand it bash will not read .profile or
>> .bash_login if you have a .bash_profile and in Ubuntu they use the
>> .profile file. So your .profile will not be sourced and in that case
>> your .bashrc will not be sourced either.
>> You have to read up on the shell files, look under the INVOCATION
>> section in the bash man page and perhaps on how KDM is loggin in a
>> person and what config files it will read.
>> Let us know if and how you solve it.
>> / Jonas
> Thanks, Jonas. Naturally I did google before posting. What I find
> unusual is that the taskbar button follows the configured path. So if
> one KDE element (the task bar) follows the configured path, why not
> another (Alt-F2)?
> Dotan Cohen

I printed my environment with the command "env > ~/somefile.txt" to
three files, one from a menu entry, one from ALT-F2 and one from
Konsole and all three has the same PATH and are almost identical
except the one from konsole. So it must be something with your system.
One thing i wonder about is your .bash_profile, i don't have one and
it will override your .profile.

You could try to remove your bash shell files (~/.bash* and
~/.profile) and restore the defaults from /etc/skel to see if that

/ Jonas

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