How Do I Get Opera To Work? - Pt 2

Wulfy wulfmann at
Thu Jun 19 08:14:06 UTC 2008

Graham Todd wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> This is the second time of trying as I got no responses the first
> time :-)  What follows is an updated description of the problem: I
> certainly hope someone can help me.
> I am running an updated 64bit Gutsy setup, which is recognised by the
> Opera download page as a Hardy system.  Sometime ago, I looked for a
> 64bit version of Opera and couldn't find one, and was told by someone
> on this list that it didn't exist.  However, I recently found a version
> for the "X86-64" architecture, with I presume is the correct version
> for AMD64.
> I downloaded the Hardy .deb through Konqueror using KGet, and it
> installed through GDebi.  In the K menu there is now an item for Opera
> and when I click on the icon, I get a perfectly good screen, but Opera
> doesn't connect.  I have a connection because I can download email,
> connect with newsgroups (nntp), and connect through Konqueror but Opera
> refuses to connect.
> I tried going through Konsole, issuing the commands "opera" and "opera
> %s" and got the same error message for each:
> *****@******-desktop:~$ opera
> ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded:
> ignored. ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be
> preloaded: ignored. /home/******/lib/opera/9.27-20080331.6/opera: error
> while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared
> object file: No such file or directory
> There is clearly a file which should have been preloaded but which
> hasn't been, and I can't work out where to go from here.  I know Opera
> exists in "full" .debs and versions which use "shared-qt" .debs which
> build upon libraries already installed from other (earlier) versions of
> Opera, but I can't find a 64bit version of Opera that is not the full
> version.
> Can anybody tell me what I need to do to make Opera work in my 64bit
> Hardy setup? Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
> - -- 
> Graham Todd and sound like Java...  do you have Java installed?  
If you install Java and libqt-mt, you should have a working Opera.



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