Cannot access one's own files

Jonas Norlander jonorland at
Tue Jun 17 19:02:23 UTC 2008

2008/6/17 Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at>:
> Now that testing time is over, I'm doing all the support for my
> victim's Kubuntu boxen. Sorry for the sudden swarm of threads, I've
> got 20+ converts :)
> On one particular Kubuntu 8.04 machine, Konqueror randomly does not
> let it's user open folders with UTF-8 (non-ASCII) names. In Konsole I
> can cd into the folders just fine, but in Konqueror the folders have a
> lock icon and return an error that the folder clicked on does not
> exist. I'd post the exact error message, but it is not in English.
> Reseting the computer solves the problem temporarily, but after some
> hours of operation the problem returns.
> Note that even though the error message states that the folder does
> not exist, the folder does appear in konqueror. I can even right click
> it and check it's permissions and ownership in Properties. The
> permissions and ownership are as they should be. The folders are
> regular folders, not mounted drives.
> What could cause this, and how to fix it? Thanks in advance.
> Dotan Cohen

I have seen this kind of error before with my Kubuntu Gutsy. I never
figured out why but think it was when i transferred files from other
media/computers so could this be a misconfigured locale settings? If
it's some locale error you could try to convert the folder/file name
to UTF-8 with convmv. Do the error reappear on the same folders that
worked after an reboot?

/ Jonas

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