KDE4 & Samba

Scott slewin at bmts.com
Sun Jun 15 12:13:07 UTC 2008

Ron Wilson wrote:
> Has anyone come up with a fix for Samba not working with KDE4. I can 
> find plenty of comment on line about others having same problem but I 
> cannot find any solution
Sadly, I can not help you and can only add to the others having this 
problem.  This is actually one of the few main reasons why I am holding 
off to 8.10 to run KDE4 full time.

If you have not tried it yet, you can try KDE 4.1 Beta.  IT haves added 
a lot that was suppose to be in 4.0 and fixed several problems.  I took 
a read of a review 
and it looked like a nice improvement.

Your friend,

Sent to you from a Linux computer using Kubuntu Version 8.04

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