8.04 in Windows

Michael Leone turgon at mike-leone.com
Sat Jun 14 01:15:14 UTC 2008

alan c wrote:

> It is slightly less reliable in the longer term I believe because it 
> is underpinned by the windows file system ntfs, 

NTFS is a very good filesystem, actually. Robust, journaled, and 
supports a very wide range of ACLs, multiple data streams, etc. Pretty 
much anything an advanced Linux filesystem does. It does, however, 
fragment more.

I've had more problems with ReiserFS than with NTFS, actually.

There's also VMs (VMware server is free for Windows, too), as well as 
pre-built images based on Kubuntu. Like any virtualized OS, it won't be 
as fast as non-virtualized, but you can certainly run it that way; I have.

Michael J. Leone                  Registered Linux user #201348
<mailto:turgon at mike-leone.com>

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