8.04 in Windows

Michael Leone turgon at mike-leone.com
Fri Jun 13 19:26:04 UTC 2008

On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 2:12 PM, Sylviane et Perry White
<spwhite at freesurf.ch> wrote:
> On Friday 13 June 2008 18:12, Michael Leone wrote:
>> It wasn't Kubuntu, specifically; they would have done the same if you
>> had 2 versions of Windows installed (which you can do, BTW). Standard
>> procedure is to reformat back to factory state; this way, they know
>> that any continuing problems are not caused by any other OS that they
>> did not personally install.
> I can understand that the warranty team doesn't have to put up with the new
> software implementations of all custommers and that  the only economic way to
> test *completely* the machine is with it having the standard setup.
> OTOH it is absolutely unforgivable that they can take the liberty to "reformat
> back to factory state" without further notice. (?)

I don't know that they do it without any notice. It may be stated on
the warranty when you buy the system. Additionally, it may (or may
not) be mentioned when you schedule the repair.

If it isn't mentioned when you schedule the repair, it certainly
*should* be. To my way of thinking, not mentioning it is just bad
business practices. I don't expect them to go so far as to booth with
a live CD, however. I understand and accept that when I buy from a
manufacturer who does not explicitly say that they will install and
support an OS, that I have to accept the possibility that the machine
will come back without that OS.

Works the same for data, BTW - you should always backup the data on a
machine before sending it off for repair (if you can), because
manufacturers can't guarantee that you won't lose something in the
repair process. If they did guarantee it, I'm sure the cost of the
system or the extended warranty would be really prohibitive.

Michael J. Leone
<mailto:turgon at mike-leone.com>

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