8.04 in Windows

Michael Leone turgon at mike-leone.com
Fri Jun 13 15:32:35 UTC 2008

On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 10:26 AM, O. Sinclair <o.sinclair at gmail.com> wrote:
> Billie Walsh wrote:
>> Has anyone tried the new feature to install within Windows?
> not me
>> My reasoning is that I just bought a new laptop and I hate to do
>> anything while it's in warranty, I also thought about buying a new hard
>> drive and installing Kubuntu on it and taking out the original drive in
>> case I need to have warranty service. I can always pop in the original
>> hard drive if I have to send it in.
> hm, something tells me that would void any warranty on Earth, opening
> the laptop yourself etc?

You don't have to *open* the laptop itself to replace a hard drive; a
hard drive is a user-replacable part. As is memory, and changing PC
CARDs. Changing out those parts (or adding those parts, in the case of
memory [sometimes]) does not void a warranty.

Now, if you were to actually *open* the laptop (i.e., disassemble the
case, to get at the motherboard inside), or disassemble the screen,
then yes, you'd void the warranty.

Michael J. Leone
<mailto:turgon at mike-leone.com>

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