Lightweight Office Suite

Constantinos Maltezos pandarsson at
Fri Jun 13 11:26:56 UTC 2008

On Friday 13 June 2008 2:12:11 Jonas Norlander wrote:
> 2008/6/12 Scott <slewin at>:
> > Hi,
> >
> >        as a home user I use a spread sheet and word processor on
> > occasion, but when I use them I only need the most common features. 
> > Using open office feels like using a Ferrari when all I need is a Echo. 
> > Does anybody know of a good, lighter, spreadsheet and word processor
> > program out there.
> >
> > --
> > Your friend,
> > Scott
> Hi!
> You also got IBM Lotus Symphony. Perhaps it's to overkill and bloated
> for you but it looks OK. It's available in many language and for both
> Windows and Linux. You can find it at
> / Jonas

Okay, so let me be the jerk who mentions the commercial product.

I did the trial of Textmaker from Softmaker on my desktop machine and was 
really super impressed.  Much more impressed than with Kword and Abiword.  
And it ran pretty speedily on my machine with its AMD Duron 700 mhz 
processor - I know, I really ought to update the hardware.  If I weren't 
perfectly happy with OpenOffice, I would definitely fork over the 69 pounds 
they charge for their "office suite" (it's just a word processor and 
spreadsheet).  Though I might wait to see if and when they port their 2008 
version (it comes with presentation software).  They brag pretty mightily 
about their MS Office compatibility - including the newest Word formats.  I 
can't vouch for that, except to say that I never had any trouble opening a 
Word document.  So if you're not opposed to supporting commercial software, 
download the trial and check it out.

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