64 bit question

Jonas Norlander jonorland at gmail.com
Thu Jun 12 10:02:18 UTC 2008

2008/6/12 Phil Bieber <philbieber at gmail.com>:
> Hi!
> I've been running Ubuntu 64 bit for quite a while on Core 2 Duo.
> AMD64 is just a generic name for all 64 Bit processors / technologies out there!
> Cheers
> Phil Bieber

I think it's wrong to say that it's a generic name for all 64 bits
processors. 64 bits CPU:s is not only the latest processors from AMD
and Intel with the x86-64 extension. There are many vendors with other
64 bits architectures, like PowerPC and Intels Itanium (IA-64), and
they are not supported by the latest Ubuntu AMD64.

But for the OP question about support for the Intel Dual Core (as
already answered) the Ubuntu AMD64 works fine.

/ Jonas

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